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Frequently Asked Questions:

This is the page where you can see answers to popular questions! If you want to ask your own questions, scroll down to the end the page and I will reply to you privately using email!


How can I view updated channel news and map screenshots?


  Go to my Twitter, Google Plus and instagram to do this!


When did I start making videos to YouTube?


I started YouTube on Aug 2,2013 and made the first video about my YJ Texture Pack.


Am I partnered with someone?


Yes I am, I joined into a team called GeniusWarriors. We helped each other with maps, I help them to build their maps, and they help me to build my maps. We have also maps that is buildt by the whold team.


What device am I playing MCPE on?


I have two devices, an iOS and an Android device.


What made me want to do make YouTube videos?


At 2013, I often watch someone else playing minecraft let's plays and maps that made me want to make videos too! As I am not good at talking so much, so I did not add any voice in my videos.

Ask me a question now!

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